Blog Post 8

In my time at Euclid High School, I have had the priviledge of watching the students engage in technological learning. The thing that is used most often is laptops, which are brought to the classroom. My teacher has set up all of his tests online, so the students each have their own laptop for the class period. When the student is finished, his grade is sent to the teachers account. After speaking with my teacher about this, he told me that the library media specialist is in charge of the learning technologies. Most of the sources of technology at Euclid are stored in the library when they are not in use. The library media specialist is trained for these types of things because she also teaches an elective called library media. The positions of Director of Educational Technology, Curriculum technology integration specialist, and technology security personel do not exist at Euclid High School.

As I stated, a majority of the technology is located in the library. After doing some investigation, there is one classroom set of iPad’s, and four classroom sets of laptops. Students can only have access to these things if they are available at the time. Teachers on the oter hand must reserve them if they want to bring them into their classroom. My teacher stated that he recommends reserving the laptops at least a week in advance, just to assure he will have a classroom set when it is test day.

At Euclid there are not as many things bloked as I imagened. Students were able to access social media from their laptops. The nature of the firewall blocking access is controlled by the library media specialist, who also takes orders from the Board of Education in what must be blocked. After breifly chatting with the library media specialist, I confirmed that she knows the most about the technology at Euclid High School. She managed who and where to distrubute the tecnological pieces of the classroom to.

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